They can put a man in a space station and have him circling the globe at 17,000 miles per hour happily drinking his own pee, but they can't cure the common cold. Discuss.
treating a disease that has alredy developed . . . is like digging a well after you've become thirsty or making weapons after the battle is over.So wrote Chinese scholars in the third millenium BCE.
$2,110,100 wins lunch with Warren Buffett
Dear Cute Little Girl,
First of all, for the $2,110,100 you could have gone to a better place than the Dairy Queen for your lunch with Mr. Buffett. But kudos on your winning bid, and I hope you made Mr. Buffett explain to you how he became a billionaire. As a Girl Scout with several merit badges and the gumption to do enough after-school chores to raise $2,110,100, I think it's a safe bet that you'll go far.
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done."
I, unfortunately, have been to too many disasters as president.--President Bush, todayI know what you mean, President Bush; boy, do I know what you mean.
ATLANTA -- Georgia retailers soon will be banned from selling candy flavored to taste like marijuana to children.
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed a measure into law Wednesday that bans the sale of "marijuana flavored products" to minors -- anyone under 18 -- and calls for a fine of up to $500 for each offense.
The measure takes effect July 1st.
It targets businesses that sell the candies with drug-inspired names such as "Kronic Kandy" and "Pot Suckers."
The law says the candies promote drug use.
Senator Doug Stoner pushed the bill in the senate. "I don't think that folks are aware--
Because of its eccentric shape it has a wobbly orbit, which made it easier than usual to find. The planet, which I have named GJ 436c, orbits a red dwarf in leo about 30 light years from here. Its days are four years long, although the planet is so small that a year there is barely an afternoon here. The planet is populated by Native American dwarves, who spend most of their time moving their clocks forward and backward because of the constant change due to daylight savings time.
To indicate just how small the planet is, in the artist's rendering above a bowling ball has been added on the left to give you a sense of the scale.
*This itself might be a lie.
*Note to Bai Ling: If you'd just asked me, I would have bought the batteries and magazines for you and none of this would have happened. Stop being so shy and call me. Disturbing the peace does not pay.