Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Just can't resist MySpace

I don't know what it is about MySpace, why it's so addictive, why it is even meaningful. Or, I don't know what it is about me--why I can't keep my hands off it. Maybe because it's new to me. My first MySpace page got mysteriously erased a month after I set it up. After wailing and gnashing my teeth I set up another one, which, took me less than 10 minutes to do. I had lost all my MySpace friends and had to start over. Now I am back with my full-fledged addiction.

Addiction? How often do you dream about MySpace? Two nights ago I dreamed all those little MySpace friends pictures were fighting kites and we were all in a big tournament together.

This morning when I booted up I found an unexpected friend request: I know who she is, although I have never met her, and, in fact I'm going to her next show (she probably found me through a comment I posted about her band). What a lift first thing in the morning!

Three or four weeks ago, after I rebuilt my MySpace page I went to Harold night at UCB. A performer I had seen for a couple of years totally knocked my socks off--so, on Wednesday morning I sent her a MySpace friend request, which she accepted. That's pretty much my main criterion these days for friend requests. She didn't ask me who I am, she probably doesn't care, and we've never met--but she's just as cool on MySpace as she is on the UCB stage.

On the other hand, there are a couple of performers I greatly admire but I won't send MySpace friend requests to them because I would be devastated if they rejected me. Devastated? Why? I've never met them. Well, I don't want to get rejected by someone I admire--whose talent I admire. One of them actually says in a blog post that if she doesn't know the friend requester, she will not accept it. I totally respect that, by the way, and I'm not going to all but ask to get rejected. (I'm in fragile state right now: We're having a big meeting in my divorce lawyer's office today. We're hoping to finalize the text of the agreement we made orally last June--in the hallway at the courthouse, no less. None of the negotiated points have changed, but getting the wording down on paper has taken five months and thousands of dollars.)

Some very good Harolds last night at UCB last night. (Yeah! Who the hell cares about divorce lawyers and their monstrous bills! There are good things in this life!) I spent this morning sending MySpace friend requests to the members of one of the teams, at least the ones I could find on MySpace. One of them accepted my request about 25 seconds after I sent it--he wasn't even online when I sent it. Anyway, a resounding "yes"--or at least a resounding positive mouse click from a cool actor--was a nice way to start this day.


Anonymous said...

What? I didn't get a MySpace invite. I'm feeling a little devastated at the moment....

Tony said...

I'll try to be more cool in the future. Tell you what, you send me an invite, and I promise I will accept.

Anonymous said...

you really shouldn't take it so personally if someone rejects - or accepts - something as trivial and impersonal as a myspace friend request.

Tony said...

Yes, Anonymous, you are wise. But somehow I just get swept up. At least I can say I do not play slot machines, which hold no interest for me whatsoever. Pick your poison, I guess.